Monday 7 October 2024

WIT - October 2024

Our 3rd mixed 8 padel tournament saw some last minute unforeseen changes which meant there were 5 ladies and 3 men instead of the usual 4 of each.  Thank you to Gill for playing the non-swappng man for the afternoon's play.

The weather, which was forecast to be pretty dire, actually turned out bright and sunny!

The players today were: 

Johnny, David, Ken & Gill + Tess, Anna, Jo & Sue

It was really good fun as usual and the final scores after all the rounds were very close, with the final ending up as:

David & Anna v Johnny & Jo

....... and the winners today were David and Anna wtih a score of 6-2

The finalists - Johnny, Jo, Anna & David

The winners - Anna & David!

Monday 30 September 2024

Metal - August & September 2024

We had another block of two months for your photos this time.  

Here are all your "Metal" submssions for you to enjoy!

Don - metal recycling skip at Omega Park!

Gill headed to a more picturesque environment for these five photos - RHS Wisley 

Sue headed across to Ireland for these two:

Sue - a pile of metal on a farm in Wexford

Sue - an anchor in Kilmore Quay

Jan - Romsey Park

John - Alton Public Gardens

Ken - Chawton House kitchen/tea room

Ken - the gate into the walled garden at Chawton House


Don - Not sure what ‘anti vandal paint’ does on these metal railings so decided not to test!

Don - metal ship sculpture in Southsea 

Here are four from Steve showing some metal statuary in the Algarve:

"… from sea level to the highest point (900m)"

Kate - in Cyprus

Kate - in Paris


Gaynor - Art Museum in Denver

Gaynor - reflected metal

Gaynor - mettle

I am going to give you all until the end of the year (Oct/Nov/Dec) for your next topic.  

....and, by special request (to concide with an upcoming trip to a candle inspired event), your topic for these 3 months will be:


KIT - September 2024

Today was meant to be the 60th running of the KIT but unfortunately the weather decided to intervene and cut it short!  We only had time to play about half of the round robin matches but it was shaping up to be a very close contest.

The players today were:

Gill, Emma, Sue & Rosie + Arthur, Ken, Andy & David

It could well be the New Year before we manage to fit another one in - we will see!

Monday 9 September 2024

WIT - September 2024

Following on from the success of the first mixed 8 padel competition at Worldham in June this year, we held the 2nd one today, complete with a trophy of its own!

WIT - Worldham Padel InvitationTrophy!

The players in today's competition were:

Kish, Greg, Annie, Ken, Caryl, Gill, Tess + David (taklng the photo!)

After the round robin matches the final ended up as

David & Gill v Ken & Caryl

.... and after an excellent final (played on the newly installed glass court), the winners were:

Ken & Caryl

WIT Winners - September 2024

(The next competition is planned for October 7th)

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Rustic - June & July 2024

With these generally being busy months for everyone, we have all had both June & July to come up with our various interpretations on the topic of "Rustic".  Here they all are!

Sue - a coastal path on the IOW


Here are three from Gill, enjoying her visit to Stourhead:

Kate - rustic, as in "made in a plain and simple fashion" (not my shed!)

Kate - rustic, as in "relating to the countryside"

Don - Upper Farringdon church door

Don - t
he original bell from the bell tower at Konigswinter on the banks of the Rhine

Keith - sweet peas

Keith - Waverly Abbey

John - Hampton Court Flower Show

Gaynor - reclining figure in sheep field 

..... and to finish, here are 4 photos from Jan:

You all have 2 months again (August & September) for our next topic, which is, in a nod to the Olympics that are currently happening in France: 


Monday 8 July 2024

KIT - July 2024

The players today in the KIT were:

Gill, Emma, Anne & Angela + Arthur, Ken, Tim & David

It was great fun as usual and would have resulted in a final of: 

Tim & Gill V David & Emma

However David needed to leave early - so Arthur took his place.

The final was neatly poised at 3-2 when rain intervened (as has often been the case at Wimbledon this year), so we called it a draw and went home!

Today's finalists  - Emma, Arthur, Gill & Tim

Monday 17 June 2024

The first ever Padel KIT!

Worldham Golf Club have recently expanded the sports they have on offer to include padel.  They currently have two courts, set in beautiful country surroundings, just in front of the first tee on the golf course.  As padel has proved so popular in the area, they also have plans to build a third court in the pipeline.

Today eight of us played an American style mixed 8 tournament for the little KIT trophy.  This is the first time that the trophy has been used for a padel and not a tennis competition - and hopefuly it won't be the last time! 

The weather was perfect and the 8 people involved were:

Tess, Kate, Carey & Caryl + Kish, John, David & Ken

After the round robin matches the final ended up being:

 Kish & Cary v David & Kate

The final was played over the usual one set and, after many long rallies and closely fought games, the winners turned out to be:

 David & Kate 

The players - John, Kish, Carey, David, Caryl, Kate, Tess 
(+ Ken behind the camera!)

The 4 finalists - Carey, Kish, Kate & David

..... and finally, congratulations to today's winners:

Kate & David!