Monday 7 October 2024

WIT - October 2024

Our 3rd mixed 8 padel tournament saw some last minute unforeseen changes which meant there were 5 ladies and 3 men instead of the usual 4 of each.  Thank you to Gill for playing the non-swappng man for the afternoon's play.

The weather, which was forecast to be pretty dire, actually turned out bright and sunny!

The players today were: 

Johnny, David, Ken & Gill + Tess, Anna, Jo & Sue

It was really good fun as usual and the final scores after all the rounds were very close, with the final ending up as:

David & Anna v Johnny & Jo

....... and the winners today were David and Anna wtih a score of 6-2

The finalists - Johnny, Jo, Anna & David

The winners - Anna & David!