Monday, 20 February 2017

Emergency repairs

Our monthly bike ride today took us to Alresford for lunch at The Globe - the food, the company and even the weather were excellent.
En route we discovered that John is more than just a good tennis player!

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

The next KIT

The March KIT will happen at the end of February!

Monday 27th Feb at the slightly later time of 9:45am.

The players this time are:

John Hayman, Don, Ken & Keith + Jan, Gill, Kate & Rosie

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

February 7th 2017 winners

Bright sunshine this morning - too bright from one side of the court, making it difficult to see the ball sometimes!
Many thanks to the 3 newcomers  - Geoff, Steve and Jacinta (who ended up as the lady with the most points).
The final was contested between Tim & Jacinta and Ken & Angela.
The scoreline in the final  did not do justice to how close the games all were - the first 5 games all went to long deuces!
In the end though, Ken & Angela won 6-0.

Angela & Ken