Friday 17 July 2020

Walking - July 2020

This is our 21st collection of photos on various themes.  Our topic for this month (July) is "walking":

Don - Walking through the crops before the storm

Ken - time to buy some new walking shoes!

Don - A walk in the sunshine from Windmill Hill


Sue - So many choices"

Keith - walking on a quiet Lenten Street looking towards Basingstoke during lockdown

Sarah - I felt the earth move under my feet!

Rosie - taking the kids for a walk!

Rosie - Social distance walking at Mottisfont Abbey

Gaynor - walking on water (Sandymount Strand)

Steve - Tinkers' Lane, Eliza & Nana

Kate - the Chawton to Farringdon loop

Kate - my daily dog walk

................ and our topic for August is "shadows"