Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Our "Pattern" photos for July 2019

Here are your submissions on the theme of "pattern(s)"

Sarah - very special stripes

Jan - Hampton Court

John - Yarmouth, IOW

Keith AO - straight line patterns at the vineyard

Ken - silver birch leaf in my garden

Sue H - a Slovakian church

Rosie - alien? No, it's a tomato...

Don - ‘Celebrating US Independence Day when our son and his family arrived here from Houston on the 4th July’

Kate - my daughter's knitting


Gill - my lampshade

Helen - plant patterns in the glass house at Osborne House


......................................  our theme for August is "The Sky"

Monday, 22 July 2019

Walk - Mon 22nd July 2019

7 of us enjoyed a relaxing walk through the beautiful countryside around Old Alresford this morning - finishing up at The Globe for an excellent lunch.

Picture with Geoff and not Ken

Photo with Ken and not Geoff


here are a couple of photos that Keith took on the walk:

No wine for a few years!

Ripples down by the chalk stream