Wednesday, 25 March 2020


While the deadline for our "Movement" photos is now the end of April, I have decided to put them up as they come in this time.
Normally you are only allowed 1 image but in these very strange times all the rules are relaxed - whatever you send me I will publish though I can't upload videos to this blog.  Obviously everything will be vetted for good taste!
Don't forget that you can also send me images of how you are coping with the lockdown.  You can see these in the previous "post" - just keep scrolling down to find them.

Don - Water slide in Thailand - and yes I did go down it ONCE!

John in Sainsburys - he thought this could go into both posts

Steve - Little Egret at Cobnor Point

Sarah - "The Bourne" keeps flowing

Ailsa - our neighbour, Matty, enjoying an early evening run.
No '1 hour a day exercise’ rule for him!

Gaynor - during lockdown in Aotearoa, reverting to English "toilet humour"!

Gaynor - HRH, the future Monarch!

Gill - moving out of hibernation!

Kate - happy days before the lockdown!

John, or perhaps Jan - Movement (or lack thereof!)

John - Winchester City Mill

Stacey - on the Watercress Line before the lockdown

Ken - drawing a heart with a candle!

Gill - acer coming into leaf

Angela - not too much movement in the Waitrose queue!


................. our topic for June is "My Garden".

Sunday, 22 March 2020

CV19 reflections

With the whole world in chaos, the deadline for your photos on the theme of "Movement" has been extended by an extra month to the end of April.

In the meantime, here are some of your responses that you wanted to share regarding the surreal situation we all find ourselves in - including some activities to keep your brain active!  I don't have all the answers to them all - yet!

In the Time of Pandemic

And the people stayed home.
And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised,
and made art, and played games,
and learned new ways of being, and were still.
And listened more deeply. 
Some meditated, some prayed, some danced.
Some met their shadows.
And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed.
And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again,
they grieved their losses, and made new choices,
and dreamed new images,
and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully,
as they had been healed.

Written by Kitty O’Meara, inspired perhaps by an Italian poem by Irene Vella (whose immuno-depressed husband has been ill during this period of Coronavirus).

Time to learn a new skill!

Sainsbury's social distancing plan at a quiet time!

Self isolating on Windmill Hill

"This is the time to be slow,

Lie low to the wall

Until the bitter weather passes.

Try, as best you can, not to let

The wire brush of doubt

Scrape from your heart

All sense of yourself

And your hesitant light.

If you remain generous,
Time will come good;

And you will find your feet

Again on fresh pastures of promise,

Where the air will be kind

And blushed with beginning."

by John O'Donohue

Maths question for you - not as easy as you think it will be!

Rumour has it that there are at least 27 "Figures of Speech" in this cartoon.
Good luck finding them - ask me if you get stuck!

Meanwhile in NZ this is how they do social distancing at the beach!

Sarah currently makes scrubs from bedding for GP surgeries

Ken v Don via Whatsapp - 10 moves over 2 days! 
We should/might get the game finished during lockdown!

Number and letter quiz – these are all well known sayings, phrases or song titles….......

1)      16 O in a P =

2)      7 C in a R =

3)      9 P in the S S =

4)      7 S on a F P P =

5)      13 L in a B D =

6)      64 S on a C B =

7)      12 M of a J =

8)      54 C in a P of P C =

9)      360 D in a C =
10)  2468 W D W A =
11)  1666 G F of L =
12)  26 L in the A =
13)  10 G B H on a W =
14)  101 D =
15)  366 D in a L Y =
16)  12 S of the Z =
17)  225 S on a S B =
18)  21 S on a D =
19)  4 L C =
20)  4 S by V =
21)  1 M and H D =
22)  18 H in a R of G=
23)  60 M in a H =
24)  12 D of C =
25)  26 L in the A =
26)  50 W to L Y L =
27)  90 D in a R A =
28)  6 W of H T E =
29)  7 W of T W =
30)  2 P in a P =

Gaynor - slow down, Waiheke Island

Sue - my very own Covid!

Kate - Lockdown Easter Sunday. 
“ What is this world if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare”

Underground station clues - 75 apparently!

Monday, 2 March 2020

Our photos on the theme of "Up Close/Close Up"

As usual there was a lovely mix of interesting interpretations on our topic - but before you look at them here are some stunning photos chosen by the BBC from the weather photographs that people have sent in over the winter season.  
From this shortlist of 10 they want people to vote for their favourite one in the next week or so.

Anyway, back to your photos on "close up / up close"

Sue - Fish - close up and personal in the Canaries

Gill - Bougainvillea in Lanzarote

Jack Hayman

Ken - peregrine falcon on the roof of our extension

John - cactus plant

Jan - orchids at Kew

Don - frosty grass

An extra one from John!

Angela- a happy daffodil!

Steve - closeup of my father’s exercise books from technical college 1947-48

Keith AO - "Hi My name is Tilly. It's my birthday and I am up close and personal with my new catnip mouse!

Kate - snowdrops and rain - the story of February


+ a couple of extra photos from Don in Thailand - sunrise offerings to Buddha.
Not exactly all vegetarian!

That is all for this month - our next topic is "Movement"