Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Balance - May 2022

Our topic this month was "Balance" - here is what you have all sent in:

Sue - its a game - for children!

Ken - "Finely balanced"
 (the league table just before the 4pm kick-offs on the last day of the football season)

John - Balance - who's a clever cat!

Don - Froyle play-park - swinging balance!

As Grandparents to 2 energetic boys (aged 2 & 6) we know all the local play parks!

Sue - at the RHS Chelsea Flower show

Gill - on balance it was worth waiting for a wonderful display!


Ken - from a lovely a day spent at Wisley

Gaynor - balance - Irish post-it notes 

Kate - Ted demonstrating his balancing skills!

Keith - a perspective on Balance, Outback car park Estero, Florida

Steve - Balance at 92!  Mum with her rollator

Jan - getting Grandma's cobwebs down!

Rosie - my "balanced meal"!

Sophie showing she isn’t scared of heights at ‘Rock Up’.

A lovely collection of interpretations from you all as usual.

Your next challenge will be "Insects"

Monday, 23 May 2022

KIT - May 2022

Today's KIT involved Sue, Emma, Kate, Angela + Don, Ken, Arthur and Nigel .

After the usual rounds (where we all play against each other), the scores were pretty close as usual, with Emma being the top lady and Arthur the top man.

The final ended up as being:

Emma & Don v Kate & Arthur

(with Kate & Arthur winning 6 - 4)

Kate & Arthur - winners in May 2022!

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Tim's golf trophy

Today saw the inaugural match for Tim's Trophy. One of his favourite sayings when we were just about to hit a putt was "Don't leave it short!"

Somehow, in a extended period of fine weather, we managed to play the match in rain and wind, as you will be able to work out from our rather bedraggled appearance below.

The prize!

 Today's competitors - Geoff, Ken, Sandy & Steve

Ken ended up as the winner today - we will play again in a month's time!

Monday, 2 May 2022

Birds - April 2022

This month's topic of "Birds" attracted more multiple images than usual.  

Here they all are - enjoy!

Ken - the swan and the robin photo were taken by the river in Alresford

Ken - and this red kite was having a mid-morning snack on Easter Sunday at 10am!

Gill - a little sparrow searching for insects

Sue - special birds on the Isle of Wight

Don - I made friends with a Harris hawk called Sherlock at Chawton House 

whilst experiencing a ‘hawk walk’ - highly recommended!!

Jan - a blackbird with a baby slow worm struggling in its beak

John - a poster at IKEA!

Kate - Blackbird in my garden

Kate - Montacute House on the way to a Devon wedding on Good Friday

Kate - Oxford University College’s emblem

Here is a sequence of 4 images from Steve: 

Gardener's Robin - now you see me, now you don't !

Angela -  I spotted these 2 birds in my garden whilst doing the weeding this afternoon!

Here are 3 images from Rosie - cheeky robin, silkie chicken family & blue things!

Keith - "Alert", at Center Parc, Longleat

Gaynor - birds eye view of king's chapel

...... and our topic for May (42 for those who like their numbers!) is:
