Monday, 25 September 2023

KIT - September 2023

KIT number 53 was played out in lovely sunny conditions today - though, at times,  the sun proved to be very challenging on one side of the net!

The 8 people today were:

Nigel, Andy, Arthur & Ken + Rosie, Emma, Kate & Angela

There were lots of very close games - and a few excruciatingly long deuce games!

In the end the final was played out as:

Nigel & Rosie v Arthur and Emma

with Arthur and Emma winning 6-4

The winners - Emma & Arthur

Well played!

Friday, 1 September 2023

Change - August 2023

 There were a few less photos than usual this month - probably due to the holidays or perhaps because the topic of "change" was quite tricky.  Anyway, here they all are:

Angela - Spot the changes!  
(Cumberland basin on the Bristol Harbour)

Sue - what amazing change is possible from a piece of tree trunk/branches! 

Ken - already the seasons are changing!

Don - I guess the phrase ‘once a banker. . . . always a banker’ springs to mind! 

Kate - we’ve always had a “ change box” since we married, bagged up each month and banked once a year. Used to go towards Xmas presents but now goes to charity. 
 This year it will be Cancer Research in Tim’s memory. 

John - small change

... and despite appearances below, Keith is not actually on the FBI's "most wanted list"!

Keith - a change of passport

Gaynor - season change

Gaynor- sea change

.... and you get a choice of topics for September!

 You can choose any of the traditional four Greek elements which are:

Earth, Air, Fire and Water