Sunday, 30 June 2019

Our "Doorway" photos for June 2019

Our topic for June was "doorway".  

There is a slightly different start to this month's entry though.

Firstly I thought you might like to see some of these National Geographic photos that have just been published:

and secondly Sue H was keen to include 2 images under the guise of a quiz question!  Here is the first one and the other one will feature at the end - it will make sense when you get there I think!

Sue H - what do you think is behind this door?

Steve -  in Plockton

Sarah - a doorway to the forbidden garden

Ken - the fabled doorway between the kingdoms!

Don - rear doorway to Stoke Fleming church (near Dartmouth, South Devon)

Keith C -  sequoia tree

Ailsa - Puerta de la Justicia, Alhambra, Granada


John - Totland, Isle of Wight

Keith AO
This walkway of trees was like stepping through a doorway out of the city of Washington and into the country. The beautiful botanical gardens were quiet and peaceful.

Angela - The Italian Door

Kate - doorway to a secret garden

Gaynor - Dublin 4, match your car to the door



Rosie - a slightly overgrown doorway


here is the visual answer from Sue to her question at the start: 

.........   and the topic for July is "pattern"

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